is becoming
Kris Kringle's Coins, Llc.
Bullion - Coins - Currency - Vault Storage and Safe Deposit Storage
Buy Sell Trade Coins Currency Gold and Silver For Cash
in the Raleigh, NC area.
About Us
NC Coppers / Kris Kringle's Coins began from a desire to get the best information about the value of our individual collections. We took over an existing enterprise and made it our own, by acquiring new equipment, showcases, lighting, security, safe. A complete overhaul of the Inventory and Process began the transformation! Starting out as a “DBA” with Ken Tireman Sr. as the Founder and Principal owner and operator for 3 long years.
Our primary focus was to bring to Raleigh a truly Numismatic focused company that could satisfy the needs of Serious Coin Collectors, and not allow the business to simply become just another "Scrap Gold and Silver shop" as have so many of the smaller shops across the US.
Ken's been an avid coin collector all of his life, beginning with Indian Cents way back in 1957. Traveling all over the world expanded Ken's interest across all the different realms of the industry, even becoming a life member of the "Madras Coin Society" while living in India. Ken has worked with collectors and dealers all over the world and have become lifelong friends with many.
Ken is currently a Life Member of the American Numismatics Association, and holds memberships in other local and state wide coin associations.
As a company we participate in and with numerous international and national auction companies and have access to some material that would be hard for others to find. We can "Move" collections offshore to take advantage of popularity of the focus of your collections whether buying or selling your material or acting as your agent.
It is this history, that gives NC Coppers and Kris Kringle's Coins a Very Unique Advantage over many of our competitors and provide the collector an opportunity that can be a game changer.
Since the lock down of "The Pandemic", Ken has grown his beard and hair to allow him to play Santa Claus for Children at "The Market" and for Toys-For-Tots. We collect toys and Cash to be delivered to the USMCR Toys-For-Tots campaign each year.
Please help all you can as children have had a very hard time over the past couple of seasons!

Mr. Ken Tireman Sr.
NC Coppers
Life Member of the American Numismatics Association

Our Vison
Our Vision at NC Coppers and Kris Kringle's Coins is to bring the hobby of coin collecting to a new level of popularity by providing a truly "Full Service” Numismatics/Coin Collecting enterprise to North Carolina and the world. Many writers have predicted the demise of the local coin store as going away in favor of the vast cold and impersonal internet. Yes you may save a few bucks, but the value you receive is not just the price discounts or profits but in the discussion, knowledge and passion of the real hobby, remembering spending time with your parents and grandparents learning about coins and how they represent the age in which they were created and the study of place and people that made these artifact of past centuries gone by.
We want to educate beyond the cost and profits of a piece of metal, offer a piece of history, let you hold an Ancient coin that could have been held by our famous forefathers, by Roman Emperors, or Greek philosophers, and help you make that connection.
We are also interested in providing information about investing in gold and silver and why the markets do what they do and how they are affected by the indexes related to "Spot" Prices, how the metals are used and why they go up and down. We endeavor to provide a market place the will allow you to dispose of material made of gold and silver for cash when the time comes.
We make an active market in buying and selling collections of coins and currency both foreign and US material following the 50 year rule (we actively seek and provide materials over 50 years old).
We maintain, buy and sell Gold bullion and Silver Bullion in almost any of its forms.
We provide information on the value of your material at no cost for a simple evaluation, or provide a value estimate suitable for most estates and regulatory requirements, including independent appraisals.