This saddens me to no end three coin dealers and office help were murdered in Mississippi see below.... Triple Homicide Detectives with...
Houston Burglary Proof they are watching US!
What a bummer... Followed from the coin show and waited until they left for dinner... only thing they took was the coin cases..... ...
Coin Store broken into
Folks we have a large list of stolen coins from this Georgia break in.... lets be looking out for them... Commercial Burglary Detectives...

Another fake check Perpetrator
OK Folks we have a different person using fake checks in Florida now, so be on the look out for this young lady... Fraudulent Cashier's...

better pics for the fraud checks
check this out Update Fraudulent Cashier's Check On 11/11/16 the female in the attached pictures presented a cashier's check for over...

Fake Cashiers Checks
We seem to have a "Pretty" little lady passing bad checks... Be careful see below... Fraudulent Cashier's Check The female pictured below...
Stolen Note Serial Number "000000"
Lets see if we can find this for them...! Stolen Note The Mandeville Police Department is investigating the theft of a very rare...
Errors stolen
below are several error coins "Graded and tracked" to be on the lookout for... lets see if we can find them! Rare Error Coins The...
Residential Theft....
Folks at least one person was thinking ahead, they captured the ID Numbers of the graded material before they were stolen and therefore...
Dealer Robbed after Coin Show
Folks another example of a dealer having his car burglarized when he stopped after a coin show... Never leave your material in an...