You didn't really leave your coins in your car did you???
Folks.... Too Many Times we have seen that thieves will follow us away from coin shows, and just wait for an opportunity like this........
Foreign collection stolen (Philippines)
Yes they steal foreign collections also... Residential Burglary Investigators with the Fullerton, CA police department are investigating...
Robbed traveling home from a show
Folks we need to be extremely vigilant when going too and from coin shows here is another one of our industry that has fallen prey to...
Another coin shop burglerized
we have to put more effort into prevention or soon their will be no coin shops left... Burglary Allgood Coin Shop St.George, Utah...

We got pictures
looks like they got a photo of the thief .... SUSPECT PHOTO-WARRANT ISSUED The suspect below has been identified in the theft that...
A Theft at the coin show
Every one watch your material, always have two persons at the shows with you...or else this will happen... COIN SHOW THEFT Larry Briggs...
Home burglary
Folks here is an example of why you need to get an inventory of all of your valuables, Graded coins and notes get simple pictures of back...
High Grade Ancients Stolen
Hey folks, Doug has another list of stolen coins please check any thing you have and lets get these thieves in jail where they belong!...
Large collection of Gold stolen
A large collection of US gold, Roman and Byzantine coins was stolen from a residence in Los Angeles CA. Be on the look out for these they...

Fake One Ounce Silver bars
Enclosed you will see pictures of silver bars that are fake, be careful they go around all the time , make sure you have legit bars,...